Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Pay Per Post Experience II

For the past days I've been resubmitting this blog to PayPerPost for their approval inorder for me to start posting reviews about the opportunities that they can offer me but it's always been denied; not until today. Earlier I received an email from them (PPP) informing me that this blog has been approved and I'm on the go. It feels good hearing that news. Immediately I logged-in to my PPP account and updated it. I'm all setup and ready to do reviews about anything I will be offered. It's just but a good time for me to earn something by blogging. Well, is it?

I checked my PPP dashboard if there are any available opportunites for me to grab but to my dismay, there weren't any. Well then, I thought, maybe it's just too early for me to be offered. I hope the next few days there will be offers for me to start with. I've been hearing and reading opinions about PayPerPost and they all say that it is good and one of the best today.

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