Friday, August 26, 2011

Allergy Attacks

Yesterday just after hitting my place coming from work I had a little itchy feeling on my back; but I've just ignored it. After about an hour the itch had spread like an epidemic conquering my upper body; my back, sides of my body, neck and face. An allergy attack!!! I really don't know what brought that allergy to me. I know it's not what I ate that day or what I drank. There was no insect bite either. Was it skin asthma? I really don't know.

So I did put some anti-allergy or anti-itch cream on the affected areas, had some sleep, and it got a little better.

A little?

Well, I had the allergy-attack again earlier. It was so itchy that it's like tempting me to scratch 'em all; I did not of course. Beside from the itchiness it had also brought out heat, so hot but I didn't wanna take my clothes off. Deym!

Since I'm at work I decided to check our company nurses. Them nurses didn't even have the effort to look at the allergy; they were just sitting there on their thrones playing their cellphones while I was trying to get help from them. Now that's what I call work! Oh yeah!

They've just handed me over a tablet of Loratadine (Allerta) after maybe hearing the word 'allergy'. Very nice.

Well I believe I'm not the only employee complaining about those nurses, I know there's a lot.

Well the medicine did a little help of getting rid of the allergy rashes but what I want to know is how and why I had it. The best thing then is to visit the doctor. Yah, a doctor with the "pee-eytch dot dee", know I'm saying?

Gonna hit the road then.

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