Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Kalinga Day (Ullalim Festival)

I believe this would be the fourth time in a row that I cannot attend the celebration of the Kalinga Day or Ullalim Festival in my beloved homeland. How sad, so sad for me. I filed a leave last January for me to attend this event however the request was not approved; it's really hard to get a vacation leave be approved for the month of February. Especially that the Ullalim Festival is celebrated during the Valentine's Day. I really want to go home for I have also some merchandise to sell during the trade-fair; the iKALINGA T-Shirts.

They say If you want, there's always a way; well there is indeed a way for me to be in Kalinga and that is to be absent for my work. Hmmmm, tempting but my job would be at stake, if in case.

As it was before, the only way I had viewed what had happened last 2009 Ullalim Festival was through the internet; the news articles, photos and videos posted by my fellow iKalingas. I think it would be the same way again. Arrrgggh!

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